This is the third in a series of blog postings on my great-great grandmother's application for Civil War Widow's pension benefits. Martha Bailey Tipton was her name and she applied numerous times for pension benefits after her husand and my great-great grandfather John Tipton was killed during the Civil War. John Tipton was killed by an ambush of Confederate Calvary while returning to his command at or near Jonesboro, Tennessee November 18, 1863. See the two previous blog postings.
Widow’s Claim for Increase of Pension
State of Tennessee
County of Washington
On this 3rd day of April A.D. 1867, before me, a County Court Clerk in and for the County and State above-named, personally appeared Martha Tipton, a resident of ……………..,County of Yancey, State of North Carolina, aged 40 years, who being duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the 2nd section of the Act of Congress increasing the pensions of widows and orphans, approved July 25, 1866; that she is the widow of John Tipton, who was a Private in Company M commanded by Captain Nelson McLaughlin of the 8th Regiment of Tennessee Cavalry Volunteers, commanded by Colonel S.K.N. Patton in the War of 1861, and that by reason of his death in the service aforesaid, she has not been granted a pension of eight dollars per month in accordance wit the certificate, numbered……bearing date on the ….day of …..186 , and that she is a Pensioner of the United States, duly enrolled at the Pension Agency at …….in the sate of ……She further swears that she has the following named children of her deceased husband and herself, under sixteen years of age, to wit: Hiram Tipton born March 5th, 1852 (my great grandfather); Lucinda Tipton born March 26, 1853; Elizabeth Tipton born Nov. 16, 1854; Tempe Ann Tipton born Dec. 25th, 1855; Wm. N. Tipton born July 29th, 1857; Martha Tipton born Dec. 26th, 1859; Curtis Tipton born July 28th, 1860, Elmira Tipton born May 6th, 1862.
She further declares that she has not remarried since the death of her said husband, nor has she abandoned the support of any one of the children above named, nor permitted any one of the same to be adopted by any other person or persons as his, her or their child. That she hereby constitutes and appoints A. M. Hughes of Washington D.C., her true and lawful attorney, and authorized to present and prosecute this claim, and to receive and receipt for all orders or certificates that may be issued in consequence thereof, hereby revoking all Powers of Attorney, if any, heretofore given by her for like purpose. My Post Office address is Jonesboro, Tennessee.
Martha Tipton
(her mark) X
State of North Carolina
County of Yancey
Personally appeared before me the under signed authority of Dobson Deaton whom I certify to be a respectable citizen and credible witness who after being duly sworn according to law makes oath as follows:
In the year 1848 I was one of the justices of the peace for the county and state aforesaid duly commissioned and qualified as such. On the 19th day of October A.D. 1848 I united in marriage John Tipton and Martha Bailey according to the law of the state of North Carolina. All this was done at the house of Anson Bailey in Yancey County, N.C. I further swear that I have no interest whatever in this claim.
Dobson Deaton
Witnesses: Z. M. Courry, J.P.
E. M. Howell
Sworn to and subscribed this 4th day of August 1869 and I herby certify that I have no interest whatever in this claim.
Widow’s Claim for Increase of Pension
State of Tennessee
County of Washington
On this 3rd day of April A.D. 1867, before me, a County Court Clerk in and for the County and State above-named, personally appeared Martha Tipton, a resident of ……………..,County of Yancey, State of North Carolina, aged 40 years, who being duly sworn according to law, doth on her oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the 2nd section of the Act of Congress increasing the pensions of widows and orphans, approved July 25, 1866; that she is the widow of John Tipton, who was a Private in Company M commanded by Captain Nelson McLaughlin of the 8th Regiment of Tennessee Cavalry Volunteers, commanded by Colonel S.K.N. Patton in the War of 1861, and that by reason of his death in the service aforesaid, she has not been granted a pension of eight dollars per month in accordance wit the certificate, numbered……bearing date on the ….day of …..186 , and that she is a Pensioner of the United States, duly enrolled at the Pension Agency at …….in the sate of ……She further swears that she has the following named children of her deceased husband and herself, under sixteen years of age, to wit: Hiram Tipton born March 5th, 1852 (my great grandfather); Lucinda Tipton born March 26, 1853; Elizabeth Tipton born Nov. 16, 1854; Tempe Ann Tipton born Dec. 25th, 1855; Wm. N. Tipton born July 29th, 1857; Martha Tipton born Dec. 26th, 1859; Curtis Tipton born July 28th, 1860, Elmira Tipton born May 6th, 1862.
She further declares that she has not remarried since the death of her said husband, nor has she abandoned the support of any one of the children above named, nor permitted any one of the same to be adopted by any other person or persons as his, her or their child. That she hereby constitutes and appoints A. M. Hughes of Washington D.C., her true and lawful attorney, and authorized to present and prosecute this claim, and to receive and receipt for all orders or certificates that may be issued in consequence thereof, hereby revoking all Powers of Attorney, if any, heretofore given by her for like purpose. My Post Office address is Jonesboro, Tennessee.
Martha Tipton
(her mark) X
State of North Carolina
County of Yancey
Personally appeared before me the under signed authority of Dobson Deaton whom I certify to be a respectable citizen and credible witness who after being duly sworn according to law makes oath as follows:
In the year 1848 I was one of the justices of the peace for the county and state aforesaid duly commissioned and qualified as such. On the 19th day of October A.D. 1848 I united in marriage John Tipton and Martha Bailey according to the law of the state of North Carolina. All this was done at the house of Anson Bailey in Yancey County, N.C. I further swear that I have no interest whatever in this claim.
Dobson Deaton
Witnesses: Z. M. Courry, J.P.
E. M. Howell
Sworn to and subscribed this 4th day of August 1869 and I herby certify that I have no interest whatever in this claim.
It wasn't until may years later that Mrs. Tipton was finally granted pension benefits for the death of her husband during the Civil War.
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