The group shot of everyone else at the reunion except the grandchildren of Fieldon and Hester Tipton
Sunday, May 16, 2010; the East Brandywine Park four miles outside of Downingtown, Pennsylvania was the occasion of the first Tipton Family reunion since 1997. I am very happy to say it was a great success!
The day started out with overcast skies but they cleared up by the time of the first arrivals at the reunion. They were Bob and Marie Tipton from Marietta, Georgia with their daughter Sharon.
Tom Tipton, Jr. with his uncle Bob Tipton and wife Marie and daughter Sharon Tipton
It wasn't too long after cousin Bob and his family arrived that cousin Darlene Tipton Ford arrived with her husband David and her son David.
David Ford with Amelia Buxbaum Christy and Rita Tipton Buxbaum
This was a potluck reunion, everyone brought a something to eat. Cousin Dick Tipton and his wife Linda coordinated the food placements.
Fieldon and Hester Tipton, my grandparents with their sons Fieldon, Jr. and Sam (1935)
Many (or most) of the younger folks who arrived at the reunion I did not recognize. This is one of the purposes of the reunion, to acquaint the older members of the family with the newer generation.
Help me somebody, I don't know who this little girl is
Luke Withers, son of Kimberly and Brian Withers, grandson of Richard and Linda Tipton and great grandson of Ray and Katie Tipton and great-great grandson of Fieldon and Hester Tipton
A nearby playground for the younger members of the family

Cousin John Tipton chats with Fred White, husband of cousin Louise Tipton White
I welcome Tom Cruse (no, not THAT Tom Cruise), the husband of Terri Porter-Cruse
Terri is the daughter of Cousin Lois Tipton Porter, who is the daughter of Ray and Katie Tipton.
Debbie White Fincke with husband Mark and sons Aaron and Adam and niece Sarah
Debbie is the daughter of Fred and Louise White and granddaughter of Erby and Gertrude Tipton

Guess who? Yep! The master of ceremonies......ME! Picture compliments of Ed and Melanie Jefferis
The grandchildren of Fieldon and Hester Tipton - 11 out of 38 known grandchildren
From left to right Debbi and John Tipton, Bob Tipton, Barbara Tipton Keehan, Paul Tipton and me (looking like my father with my mouth hanging open)
A wonderful, relaxed Sunday afternoon. Somebody got a ride of someone's shoulders. They're talking to Beth White Fisher, daughter of Fred and Louise Tipton White and granddaughter of Erby and Gertude Tipton
The Sign-In Book (we missed some folks)
Chowing and chatting - Aunt Peggy Bruno to the left talking to Cousin Lois and that is Cousin-in-law Ed Jefferis (husband of Melanie Tipton) striding through
That would be me talking with one of my favorite aunts, Aunt Peggy.
Cousin Darlene Tipton Ford posing for a picture taken by her sister Rita Tipton Buxbaum with her son David Ford.
Rita and her sister Donna in earlier times with their Mom, Jeanne Tipton
Cousin Louise White Tipton taking a picture of my looking just like my father (with that mouth) and her cousin Charles Tipton (on the left), her brother Bob Tipton (red polo shirt) and her older brother Tom Tipton (blue stripped polo shirt)
Cousin Norman Tipton with his wife Sharon sampling the goodies
Cousin Darlene feeding a member of the family is is not a blood descendant
Kimberly Tipton Withers with ? (help! Kimberly)
Kids in a box (I need help again folks in identifying these young Tipton descendants)

Linda Tipton taking time out to eat some of the delicious food
Some of the friends of the family who also attended the reunion - Chuck Walcott on the left with Melinda Tipton with her sisters Liz, Mary and Theresa Tipton with their cousin Nadine Marks and her children Zachary and Sam and her grandmother Peggy Bruno
Cousin Kyle Jones, grandson of Pauline Tipton Jones and great grandson of Ray and Katie Tipton with his daughter Molly and his Significant Other Mary - Kyle's dad David Jones is on the upper right

Kyle Jones from the 1994 reunion held at the Westwood Fire Company, Coatesville, PA
Me taking a Flip video of my cousins John, Marsha, Dick and Melanie (am I really that skinny?)
David Jones (son of Pauline Tipton Jones and grandson of Ray and Katie Tipton) with his fiance and granddaughter Molly
A BIG THANK YOU to my cousin Darlene Tipton Ford who was so helpful at the reunion
The reunion was such a success that we're having another reunion next year. The date of the reunion October 9th, 2011. It will be held at the East Brandywine Community Park, the site of the last two reunions. However, this time we will hold it at the Tower Pavilion which has a permanent bathroom with running water. No more Porta-Johnnies!
Again, as in the past I guarantee perfect, sunny weather and a lot of happy faces. Stay tuned to this blog and my Facebook postings for updates as we get closer to that date.
Have a wonderful summer everyone!
Ron Tipton